we all need somewhere we feel safe
how we help
preventing child deaths and promoting healthcare in communities
Uganda has sadly one of the highest Maternity Mortality Rates and Neo-Natal Mortality Rates in the world. Children don’t have access to immunisations western communities take for granted and desperately impoverished communities are ill-equipped to provide and educate in basic healthcare.
maternity centre
We have built a Maternity Centre to safely deliver over 2,500 babies a year, saving hundreds of lives who would otherwise have been lost through dangerous homebirth deliveries. The ground-breaking Public Private Partnership with the Ugandan Government we’ve pioneered provides dedicated pre, post and neonatal healthcare to mothers and babies.
health centre
Our Health Centre sees (free of charge) 50,000 patients every year providing a comprehensive service that includes general outpatients. The community health outreach programme immunises over 5,000 children every year aged under 5 years.

In 2019, we established an ambulance service to support the local community
We have trained over 250 Community Health Promoters who have worked in delivering essential primary healthcare services within the communities over the last 12 years.
Ruth had trained as a Community Health Promoter and works to educate and care for her community.
With Your Help
“I am proud to be part of the change for my community”