Bright futures begin with clean water
we will never solve poverty without solving
water and sanitation
Typically, the communities we work in have had shallow, polluted wells as their only source of water. The water is dirty and dangerous, contaminated by animal and human faeces, and a breeding ground for insect and microbial pests.

With Your Support…
we have drilled 30 deep water boreholes that provide fresh water for 14,000 people. This huge investment in the provision of clean water has helped eradicate cholera in the community we serve and drastically improved quality of life.
once opened…
the community takes responsibility for the upkeep of the site through a committee of locals, ensuring that the borehole is fenced to prevent damage and pollution from livestock, and maintaining adequate run-off.
we oversee…
the drilling of boreholes in strategic locations, maximising the supply of clean water in a community. Deep down into the water table, and secured by a concrete lid, these hand pumps provide access to clean, uncontaminated water.
We will continue…
expanding this high-impact, relatively low-cost programme, your generous donations allow us to build new boreholes and ensure the maintenance of existing ones.